Ron Paul seems to be the only real conservative in the race. Even some Democrats seem more conservative than some Republican candidates. So why are all the Republican candidates claiming they are the most conservative? Why does every Republican compare himself to Reagan? If you look at their views on issues, you see they are not conservative. So if they lie about how conservative they are to get a few extra votes, how are they honest enough to lead our country? The answer is they are not. I would have no problem with candidates that weren't as conservative as Ron Paul, but only if they didn't lie about it.
Ron Paul to me seems to be the only candidate close to being conservative. He is the only one who openly speaks of abolishing some government agencies that are basically not needed. He is also one of the only candidate who does not talk about how much they are going to change the country on their own, which means with the federal government. Paul speaks about not changing the country on his own, but allowing more freedom to each state to make it's choice, which will ultimately all the people to choose by region or area and will also cut spending by not having to pay for everything needed for the federal government to get something done.
Ron Paul is also against war, another usually Republican and conservative view. Why do so many "Republicans" support the war, which has been against the party mostly since before Bush? The party needs somebody to get them back on the values they have held for years. I believe that man is Ron Paul and that is why I support him as the presidential candidate for the Republican bid. I want to get back to the ideas of our former leaders. I want to get back to the Constitution.
The Constitution was not written for no reason. It was written to keep this country under control. So why do we have so many politicians and government officials going against the document written to keep us as free country? Government has way too much power and is easily ignoring the Constitution. Ron Paul believes in the Constitution and I believe is one of the only candidates who will actually attepmt to do what he says.
That is all I have to say about conservatism and Ron Paul. My last point is Ron Paul is one of the only candidates against interventionism which will lessen our debt, give us more money to spend to better the country, and is the only candidate that I think will be able to unite this country.

According to Walter Williams, "'If the framers of the Constitution were somehow to come back, Ron Paul is one of possibly only three people in Congress that they'd even talk to,' said Mr. Williams, adding that most politicians have a 'generalized contempt' for the values of the Constitution.".
That's the first time I've heard that and I agree. I don't know the other two congressmen, but I'm sure there are some and I hope Ron Paul gets a boost from those congressmen.
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